Our vision as a church is to Serve Jesus and Serve Heworth.

First and foremost, that means we are a church who love to worship God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (as our name 'Holy Trinity' suggests!) but we also want to live out our faith and serve our local community by showing and sharing the love of God in practical ways.

Back in February 2022, as part of the Diocese of York's plan to plant new churches and revitalise existing ones, a team from St Michael-le-Belfrey were asked to come and graft with the existing community here at Holy Trinity. This simply means that two communities came together with the aim of re-energising the church and re-engaging with the community.

By combining some new ideas and fresh energy with a faithful and committed existing church community - who have been worshipping here for over 150 years - we have seen a renewed passion to serve Jesus and serve Heworth grow in our church family.

As we grow together, our desire is to become more and more, a creative, joy-filled and accessible community who love Jesus, the Bible and the work of the Holy Spirit and that we will flourish together as we commit to serving those around us and sharing the hope and love we have found in Jesus.


Mike Perkins
